Robbing We’ve all heard heroic tales of people and nations. Willing to break the moulds and stagnant shackles of mediocrity. Not only did they notice the needs and lack around them, but they made it their mission to find a solution.

My mother used to tell me that even a blind penguin could “see” a problem, but only a handful of people ever try to find a solution, and then, fewer still follow through with their plans. Penguin logic

God has placed extravagant potential into each of our lives, but we need to engage it. (Whether it means telling a friend about it or writing out your goals) But the way we begin determines how we end.

None of us feel drawn to live in fourth place all our lives, something inside of us beckons toward success, prosperity and happiness. And if we give in to the pressures of fear, then we are to be drilled deeply into the dusty little fox-holes where they put dead people. I assure you that no-one will ever look to us for inspiring quotations or messages of hope if we never say anything risky or unique. Therefore we should be willing take the plunge and pursue our goals and dreams, even if failure is breathing heavily down our necks.

G.K. Chesterton put it this way…

“Even a bad shot is dignified when he accepts a duel.”

In other words, it’s more honorable to fail than to avoid starting. And who knows… Maybe we won’t fail. Maybe, just maybe, we were destined to do more than dream emptily on monday mornings, and push pencils…

Victoriously unique

I’m not just saying all this because I’ve found a safe subject, it’s because this subject is close to home for me. I’m nowhere near perfect when it comes to accomplishing my goals, this is all a work in progress. And even though I haven’t finished yet, I’m sure that the end will justify the drama, pain and effort that it took to get me there.

I’m going to write a few more blogs about making a difference later this week, so stay tuned!!



God’s Beloved